
I am a 3D Printing Enthusiast in Chennai. In this website I will be posting all my 3D printed Stirling engines, Steam engines and many other miniature/Kids toy models. If you are interested in purchasing these models, feel free to buy from us here.

Click on images to view the run video of each model...

The balloon series: Kids based products

Balloon train

Balloon car

Balloon boat

Air engine- Single acting

Air engine car

The best friend of Charleston model

Air powered car- Balloon pump

Balloon powered boat 2.0 with wheels

Air powered Road roller-Indian style

Air powered Walking mechanism

Air powered Vintage tractor model

Cugnot Steam Traction engine

Miniature train models:

Best friend of Charleston train set-NONST

Mini Keychains:


Stirling engine concept based models:

What are Stirling engines?

Stirling engines are external combustion engines that extracts work by compression and expansion of fluid (fluid can be either air or any other gas) at varying temperatures. Stirling engines are closed cycle in nature (the working fluid is contained air tight inside a container).

Every stirling engine contains a displacer piston and power piston. The count depends on the configuration like alpha, beta and Gamma.

What comes with your Stirling engine model?

Oscillating Marble Stirling engine

Stirling engine car

Stirling engine fan

Alpha Stirling engine

Walking Beam Stirling engine

Hot water Stirling engine

Ross-Yoke Stirling engine

Rhombic drive Stirling engine

Stirling engine Car

Coffee Cup Stirling engine

Stirling engine train

Plug and Play Stirling engine

Stirling engine roller

Marble Car v2.0

Double beam Stirling engine- Strandbeest addon

Double beam Stirling engine- Trevithick's steam locomotive addon

Stirling engine car-3 wheeled

Plug and Play v2.0

Nuts/Bolt Stirling engine

Marble Stirling engine

Oscillating Stirling engine

Ross-Yoke Stirling engine v2.0

Stirling engine car

Stirling engine car with Steering and two level Gear system

Stirling engine car with trailer attached

Stirling engine car with Ferris wheel attached

Stirling Engine car with two trailers

Alpha Stirling engine 2.0

Slowest Stirling engine car

Stirling engine runs wing mechanism

Stirling engine runs walk mechanism

Stirling engine runs walking mechanism

Stirling Engine Fan

GearZilla- A marble Stirling engine model

